The question of how to remove worms from a person or a child is not as rare as it currently seems. We all know from school biology lessons that worm larvae live in the ground. Moreover, they can infect humans in the soil for up to 5 years.

Worms enter the soil from the feces of infected animals and humans. And we all, especially the kids, love to walk, walk in the park, go to the woods, the countryside. And we don’t always care about the cleanliness of our hands and food on such roads.
Often we can grab something from the food without washing our hands, we can eat an apple, a banana or just drink water with dirty hands, we can eat dirty vegetables and fruits by chance. And let's not even talk about children.
Familiar with the picture, small and not too, baby, he grabs something interesting off the ground and pulls it into his mouth. Or run around the playground with an apple in his dirty hands, which he also drops several times and takes into his mouth again.
How to remove worms from a person at home
Unfortunately, in Hungary, pets walk and go to the toilet, often in the same place where children go, and a rare owner cleans up after their pet. Therefore, everyone can become infected with worms today, regardless of their social status.
The official statistics are alarming, every third child in Hungary is affected by helminths, every tenth adult is wormy. Therefore, helminthic invasions are not memories of the past, and you need to know how to suspect and treat worms in yourself or your child.
Symptoms of worm infection in humans
- Weakness;
- Irritability;
- Sleep disorders;
- Sore throat;
- shortness of breath;
- Weight loss despite good appetite;
- Stomach ache;
- Stool violation, alternating constipation and diarrhea;
- Nausea and vomiting;
- Anemia;
- Signs of hypovitaminosis B12;
- Blood in the stool.
In addition, if someone suspects there are worms, pay attention to short white or long worms in the stool. Unfortunately, you don’t see the worm’s eggs in such a study. There are many types of worms.
Examination of wormwood
Most often, the presence of worm bladder in the stool can only be seen under a microscope by re-examining the stool. It is therefore advisable to apply to such laboratories for such tests. There, too, the type of helminthiasis is determined.
After treatment, faeces should be examined after 1 month. after completion. If not, take it twice more, every 2-4 days.
If all answers are negative, the person is considered to have recovered from helminth. In addition, blood, urine, and ultrasound are examined to diagnose helminthiasis. Examine the contents of the duodenum. They do a colonoscopy.
The most common types of helminthiasis
- ascariasis (the causative agent of ascaris);
- enterobiasis (pathogen of pinworm);
- hymenolepiasis (pathogenic dwarf tapeworm);
- opisthorchiasis (pathogenic hepatic trematodes).
Why are helminths dangerous? Pathogenesis
Helmet samples or worms, once they enter the human body, begin circulating in them to reach their main habitat - the intestines or the liver.
This is the acute period of invasion (damage). It presents with common symptoms - nausea, allergic reactions, fever, cough, abdominal pain, etc. Then comes the chronic phase of the process. The symptoms of this stage depend on the localization of the parasite.
Helmet samples damage the organs and tissues in which they are located, interfere with the absorption of nutrients in the intestines, reduce the body’s resistance to other types of infections, and in some cases may increase the risk of developing bowel cancer.
Damage to the helminthic invasion
Prolonged presence of intestinal worms in the body results in anemia, both due to damage to the absorption of iron in the intestines and due to ulcerative lesions of the intestinal wall (such as tapeworms) and blood loss due to ulcerative defects. Opisthorchiasis affects the liver, resulting in hepatitis, cholecystocholangitis, and inflammation of the pancreas.
I hope we have succeeded in convincing you that helminthic infections are very serious. There is no question of medical professional help in the treatment of helminthiasis, if the presence of worms is suspected, a specialist should be consulted. However, you can try to remove worms from a person at home, using folk methods that have been proven for centuries.
How to remove worms from a person at home, folk removal methods
Use in the treatment of pumpkin seeds
Perhaps the most affordable, pleasant, and safe way to remove worms at home. Raw pumpkin seeds are easy to chew with one or two glasses a day. There are also more complicated recipes.
- The pumpkin seeds crushed in a blender are mixed with honey and mineral water until a not very liquid slurry is obtained, which is consumed on an empty stomach. It is used with any laxative tea, medicine or just an enema 3 hours after taking the porridge. One serving is enough.
- Mix the pre-roasted pumpkin seeds (1 cup) with minced garlic (3 cloves) and honey. You can consume this mixture after 12 hours.
- Mix the crushed seeds (200 grams) with warm milk, drink this slurry with at least 200 ml of water.
Onions in the fight against worms
- Pour a small onion with warm water for 12 hours. You can then drink onion tea on an empty stomach.
- The squeezed onion juice is mixed with aloe juice and honey and consumed three times a day.
Sometimes it is advisable to make onion tincture with vodka. 2 parts vodka and one part chopped onion. Ready in 10 days. 1 tablespoon three times a day.
Herbal infusions in the fight against worms
- Peel a pomegranate peel (about 50 g) soaked in cold water for six hours and bring to a boil over a low heat and pass through a fine sieve or gauze. Drink it in an hour. Efficacy is increased if you also take a laxative.
- The corn stamps (one teaspoon) are poured with 200 ml of boiling water for one hour and drunk three times a day in one teaspoon.
- The tincture of wormwood is performed as follows. 100 g of wormwood are mixed with 100 ml of alcohol and kept for one week. Then consumed 30 minutes before meals, 4 drops.
Walnuts can also be useful in removing worms at home. You can use walnut oil, its green peel, mixed with honey and the walnut kernels themselves. In the morning, eat nuts on an empty stomach.
How to get rid of worms during pregnancy
The use of anthelmintic drugs is contraindicated in pregnant women, especially before the formation of the placenta (16-18 weeks), when the fetus is particularly sensitive to external influences. Therefore, folk methods of getting rid of worms come to the fore in pregnant women.
However, it should be recalled that many folk remedies cannot be used during pregnancy. Emphasis should be placed on pumpkin seed and pomegranate peeled recipes. And don't forget to consult your doctor!
Given the mechanism of infection of worms, children are the most susceptible to helminthiasis.
What folk remedies can be used to treat worms in children?
How to remove worms from a person at home, especially children? You can use pumpkin seeds. Give me carrot juice to drink. Make an enema from the scald of garlic. You can use oat-straw baths, which are infused with boiling water and infused for several hours and then added to the bath while bathing. We can put celandine and thyme in the bath. Decoctions are made from these herbs in the same way.
How to remove worms from a person at home is the result
Now you know how to remove worms from a person at home. Let’s say a few more words about preventing helminthiasis. Above all, adhere to personal hygiene rules. Wash hands after walking, before eating and after contact with animals.
Wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly with a sponge. Follow the cooking rules. It is better to have a separate board for cutting meat and fish.
Wash the sink with disinfectant after cutting raw meat into it. Following these simple rules will help you avoid infecting worms.